Thursday, December 25

It's the wonderful time of the year

You probably all know Elf Yourself. In fact, it isn't original at all anymore. But those cute little elves with your own funny faces under the caps are still, like every other year, a thing on my to-do-list for this time of the year. Moreover, every year those cute little elves make a new dance for you. And this year I was very delighted, because Charleston happened to be one of the themes.

So here's a special "Happy holidays dance" for you!

Guess who perform it?

The answer:
I thought nobody can do this oldfashioned dance better than my favorite classic style icons. Your dancers were the lovely Marilyn Monroe, Audrey Hepburn, Edie Sedgwick, Grace Kelly and Brigitte Bardot.

I wish you a Merry Christmas and all the best for the new year!

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